Planning Application Guide Sheets

Spurs have published a revised Planning Application. The key features have not changed but there is more detail. We have until 13th August to make objections. Click here to go to the planning portal to add your views

It is very important that we all use our own words to object to Spurs planning application.

The key areas are
1. Changes to the landscape
2. Changes to the character of the land
3. Public access
4. Traffic and consequent harm to the Lake area
5. Loss of important views
6. damage to the ecology and biodiversity of the area – cutting down trees, replacing diverse grassland with monoculture football pitches and astroturf.
7. Inappropriate use of Green Belt land contrary to Mayor of London and Enfield Local Plan policies.
8. The “openness” of this green belt landscape will be lost. Spurs intend covering half the open land of the park with what can best be described as a football fortress with several layers of protection. A high laurel hedge – 3metres high to judge by their photos, a 2 metre high steel fence, densely planted vegetation which will eventually be 2 to 3 metres high and then trees. The northern boundary will also have a “bund”, a 2 metre high earth bank.
9. The “operational area” (pitches) will be stripped of the current grassland, levelled and covered with manicured grass, a plastic pitch pathways etc. This 40 acre area is the habitat and feeding area for birds, bats, small mammals, rabbits, grass snakes. To make up for this loss of biodiversity the plan is to plant 2000 trees in the rest of the park and place some bird and bat boxes in the woodland. These 2000 trees will greatly reduce the openness of the park.
10. Use of chemicals, glyphosate, to remove large areas of grassland for replanting. This chemical is banned in Europe, the GLA passed a motion in 2019 discouraging its use and 50 Local Authorities have banned or heavily restricted its use, especially in parklands.
11. Building on the Green Belt. There will be a very large extension to the stable block to provide accommodation for the footballers, doubling the size of the building
Two walks were organised to show the existing state of the landscape and demonstrate the harm that will be done. The papers for the two walks can be downloaded below.

The files below should offer guidance and the posters will I hope, help you to formulate your ideas. You do not have to use all of them, pick and choose ones you feel strongly about. The last one is an image of the on line objection form.